JMZ Management

Is a Furnished Apartment Addendum Necessary for a Furnished Rental?

Written by Mark Zawaideh | Sep 23, 2014 6:20:36 PM

For landlords furnishing their rental properties, they may be concerned about whether or not to get a furniture lease addendum for the tenant to sign.

It’s useful to have the apartment furnished because it makes it more appealing to singles, students or young couples since they don’t yet have much of their own furniture yet. Landlords have to consider having this addendum in place to protect their furniture from getting damaged or mistreated by tenants.

What is the Addendum?

When your tenant signs their rental lease, you have the option to go into further detail on a portion of the lease. The word addendum means something to be added or an item of additional material for the end of a publication.

The lease addendum is a chance to go into further detail about a certain aspect of their lease with you. Many people use this opportunity to add a lease addendum saying they must keep fresh batteries in their smoke detectors or to state rules for pet care.

Furnished Apartment Addendum

Adding a furnished apartment lease addendum is a good idea because it ensures the tenant is signing a contract saying they will agree to your terms in regards to the furniture care. Some of the items you would include in the addendum are:

  • Tenant must replace any furniture missing at move out
  • You can’t use indoor furniture outside for any reason
  • Tenant must report damage beyond normal wear and tear
  • Furniture should remain clean and in good condition except for normal wear and tear
  • Furniture must stay away from vent openings

You want to list all pieces of furniture on the addendum with a short description. If anything is damaged when they move in, it should be noted.

Your rental property should be protected as well as any furniture of yours on the inside. Rather than foregoing furniture, just be sure to have a furnished apartment addendum.