JMZ Management

What Should You Know About Renting Properties with Swimming Pools?

Written by Mark Zawaideh | Dec 29, 2014 5:11:00 PM

A swimming pool is a very attractive feature to have in your rental. Unfortunately, it attracts families with young children that are more likely to have an accident and/or drown.

With proper signs, routine checks and a Swimming Pool Addendum in your contract you can protect yourself and use the pool to your advantage in your rental. Here are a few things to consider if the property has a pool.

Signs, Signs, Every Where There are Signs

It is completely legal to have a sign (or two) stating that children under a certain age cannot be left unsupervised in the pool area. As stated before, children are at higher risk of hurting themselves around the swimming pool. It is never safe for a child to swim unattended.

You may consider “No Diving” signs in certain areas of the pool, or depending on its depth, for the entire pool. Signs are good, but random checks to ensure that the rules are being followed are also very effective.

Swimming Pools are a Huge Liability

No one wants to ever be taken to court over an injury or a death from a swimming pool. In addition to signs and regular spot checks on your tenants, you need to protect yourself in writing.

You can obtain a Swimming Pool Addendum online to add to your tenant lease. This will spell out responsibility and rules that need to be followed and help protect you from every angle.

Swimming Pool Care

It is no secret that Swimming Pools can be costly to maintain. You cannot just assume that your tenant will continue with the proper upkeep and care. You will need to do inspections to make sure everything is being maintained if you are allowing the tenant to take care of the pool themselves.

With vigilant monitoring, signs and addendums you can profit from your rental’s swimming pool and your tenants can enjoy fun in the sun while in and around the pool.