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Why You Should Pay Rent When the Landlord Hasn't Completed a Repair

February 10, 2020

If you’re a renter, chances are you’ve been in a situation where you’ve had maintenance issues that you’ve reported but still haven’t been fixed after weeks of increasingly hostile emails and phone conversations.

It seems like your landlord is content to collect rent and ignore you. While it might seem like you should withhold rent, you could still face eviction. It’s important keep paying rent as usual but understand that you do have several options available to you.

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4 Simple Tips for Buying New Investment Property in Michigan

February 5, 2020

If you want to continue to diversify your investments, then now is the time to buy investment property in Michigan. You can take advantage of the current market and generate even more income—as well as tax benefits.

The trick to expanding your investment properties and portfolio is in buying. If you're not careful about picking properties, no property manager in Michigan can save you and you'll being sinking money into marketing and general contractors trying to fix the asset that turned into a liability.

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