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Landlord Problems: How to Handle Returned Checks

February 7, 2020

One of the most stressful parts of being a landlord is collecting rent from your tenants each month. There's often one check that doesn't clear. 

It might be from the same tenant who regularly bounces checks. Or it might be a rare problem from a tenant who always pays rent on time. 

Returned checks mean you don't get paid. You also have the hassle of going back to your tenant and getting a check that won't bounce. 

What's the best way to handle a returned check? Here's what to do in this situation. 

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Can Having a Property Management Company Save You Money at Tax Time?

February 6, 2020

There are numerous benefits to hiring a property management firm, such as the peace of mind that comes with knowing a professional will handle any situation that might arise.  But did you know that there are benefits  to hiring a property management company that you can realize on your tax returns? Read on for more information about the savings you might see when you bring a property management company on board. 

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A Few Basic Tips for the Business of Being a Landlord

February 4, 2020

Owning and maintaining a rental property as an investment can be both lucrative and rewarding.  However, it can be a difficult transition for many people to make, particularly during their first time as a landlord.  Most of us have only known the business from the tenant side, a much different position than that of owner and manager.  You will need to determine your own landlord-ing rules, methods, and identity to suit your goals and your personality.  

You will also need to work to develop some practical knowledge.  Unfortunately, no one gives you a guide to owning a rental property when you sign the mortgage.  Frankly, even if they did, such a guide would likely be of little use.  Many of the decisions you will make as you get your stripes as a landlord come down to your personal choice.  Keep in mind that forearmed is forewarned.  You will continue to learn how to be a landlord while you are busy being a landlord.  Your goal in the beginning months and years should be to avoid learning by mistake wherever possible.

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